Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Gender Biased Commercials

Have you noticed some TV commercials to be gender biased? For example, throughout the 1990s, Jif Peanut Butter commercials included the tagline "Choosy Moms Choose Jif."  Only recently, in the 2000s, was this tagline adjusted to include dads: "Choosy Moms and Dads Choose Jif." 

Between now and Thursday, observe some of the commercials that air during your favorite TV Shows. Comment below in 1 paragraph, answering the following questions.  If possible, try to include a link to the commercial (if it is available on YouTube). 

Comments are due by 8am on Friday 2/8/13

1. What TV Show were you watching? What is the intended audience (age and gender)? 
2. What commercial did you see that was gender biased? For what product/concept? 
3. For whom was the product biased (Males or Females)? How do you see the bias portrayed?
4. What message(s) does this commercial send about gender roles in American society? Should it continue to air? 
5. What is 1 pro and 1 con to networks airing this commercial? Why do you think the network chose to air it during your TV program? 


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEqRgiqYiSQ

    During the superbowl there are always very interesting commercials. All ages and genders watch the superbowl but more middle aged men are actually focused on it. Although, all types of people have the superbowl on the T.V. men are much more in tune than little 7 year old girls. This commercial is advertising mens deodorant but it shows a like 25 year old fit guy getting nervous around a "hot" girl. The speed stick (deodorant) will help him "get the ladies" and smell good at the same time. Even though the guy was about to do something jerky, he instead got complimented and told "that was so sweet". This product is more biased for males, because the males will look good and smell good if they where that deodorant. The Speed Stick will also "attract" girls to the young good looking guy. It can also set a stereotype that pretty girls are ditzy and fall for whatever the good looking guy says. The message that this commercial sends about the gender roles in America is that 20-40 year old guys can get any girl they want even with a bad attitude just because they look good and smell good. Also it shows that girls fall for anything guys say. It is a funny commercial though and its a good advertisement so it should continue to air. The advertisement probably choose this network because they knew it was going to get many viewers. Also the age it was advertising for was the prime watchers of the game. One pro was that it had many viewers and it probably gave people some laughs, one con would be that some younger kids were watching and it could have been maybe a little inappropriate.

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vz-YAi3pt8&feature=endscreen

    As I was watching Jersey Shore, I happened to catch a commercial for
    Huggies diapers, which was a perfect example of gender stereotyping. Theintended audience for MTV is teenagers and adults. However, the Huggies commercial seemed to be targeting male and female parents who have babies or toddlers still in diapers. There are about five dad's sitting in a room alone with just their baby's. The speaker in the commercial says something like; "Huggies are put to the test with the father's in charge of nap time." During the commercial, the father's are feeding their baby's and then the baby's fall asleep. Once the babies fall asleep, some of the father's give one another a fist bump, and one of them made the 'Ok' gesture, as if fathers are incapable of putting a baby to sleep. Most fathers do not lack the ability to put a child down for a nap. In most commercials that advertise baby products, the mother is usually handling the item. This commercial is basically sending the overall message that if Huggies can survive a nap that is handled by a father, Huggies can pass any test, as well as the message that fathers lack certain parenting abilities. I do not think this commercial should continue to air. One pro to airing this Huggies commercial would be that the mother's might find it funny that Huggies are making fun of the dad's lack of capabilities to parenting. One con to airing the commercial is that the father's could protest their very decent argument, and cause the company much trouble. Huggies probably chose to air this commercial because MTV has a variety of viewers, as well as one of the largest viewing population.

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYyGuRzYlvs

    I was watching the rangers hockey game on the MSG channel which is for mostly adults and teenagers. I saw a commercial for the new Lincoln car and in the commercial it showed just men building and constructing the car and pretty women standing next to the car and just sitting in the car. This commercial was biased towards females because it is basically saying how men are the ones who will be engineering and designing the cars while the women will just stand back and watch. It was very biased by saying girls are just going to stand around and look pretty while the men do all of the work. It sends a message that women should just try to be pretty and stand back while the men create the better cars. I think the commercial should be switched and fixed so that it shows some women actually engineering the new cars. I think one pro to this commercial is that the women was featured to much in it and a con was that the women really was pointless and just there to be pretty. I think they aired it during this tv show because they might think that mostly men are watching the MSG channel at this time.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A80IIcumLs

    I was watching Ancient Aliens: Aliens and the Old West (don't ask me why) on the History Channel. The intended audience was probably young people (teens, 20s, 30s), both genders. I saw a commercial for Best Western Hotel. In it, the man said he had to support his family while the woman said she gets to enjoy the time she has with her family. It would almost be weird if it was the woman saying she had to support her family, because society believes that's a man's job. Also, there are mostly men in the commercial talking about their business. This was mostly biased towards men because it says all of the benefits they can get from staying at Best Western. It sends the message that men should be the ones to support their family and be all into business, while women are the ones who are supposed to spend time with the family. It's not so bad as it shouldn't air, but some parts should be taken out. One pro about airing this is that people are more informed about Best Western Hotels and anyone looking for a hotel to stay at can take it into consideration. The con is it displays strong stereotypes. I believe they chose to air it during my TV show because it's a young audience, maybe with a lot of business travelers.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvxEtBE314A

    I was watching Dance Moms on Tuesday. The shows intended audience is for teenage girls and adults. I saw a commercial for a Swiffer duster that I thought was gender bias toward women. Swiffer is advertising that with their duster, the cleaning can be done in half the time, so they have more time to be with the kids or read a book. In the commercial a mom is doing the cleaning and is the stay at home mom. I thought that this commercial shows that only moms cleans and are at home with the kids instead of the dad. It sends a message that the mom cleans and the dad works. I think that they can air this commercial but they should put a dad in the commercial cleaning, to show that boys can clean. One pro to this commercial is that if there is a working mom who cleans it shows that cleaning can be done faster with the Swiffer, so they can have more time with their kids. One con to this commercial, which also goes into why it was air during Dance Moms, is that the mom was cleaning and was staying at home. Dance Moms audience is mostly girls and moms, and they wanted to show them how much faster their cleaning can be with the duster. I think that this commercial shows a stereotype in our world today.

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92880tmYxh4

    I was watching re-runs of Vanderpump Rules on Bravo yesterday and kept seeing different Fiber One commercials. The product is shown so that people can eat snacks that are less calories but still taste as good as eating a brownie or a chocolate bar. However, in majority of the commercials women are the ones purchasing them and needing them the most. In the specific commercial I saw it was a woman, lonely sitting at a bar eating a salad. While watching two other people eat delicious brownies, all of a sudden out appears a very handsome man holding a box of fiber one brownies for only 90 calories. After realizing that there are really a lot of Fiber One commercials on most of the channels I watch, rarely do they every depict men wanting to eat the product. This commercial also shows how women need to watch what they eat. The woman in the commercial looked upset and stressed due to her "diet". One pro about airing this commercial is that Bravo is a channel that many women and girls watch and the commercial looks and sounds great if you are on a diet and want to have a yummy snack for less calories. One con to airing this commercial is that it leaves out men who I'm sure also eat Fiber One bars. I think that it is important to advertise products that both men and women can use when dieting because women are not the only ones who need or have to diet.

  7. While watching the Superbowl, which is watched by millions of people across the country but mostly watched by men of all ages, I saw a commercial for axe deodorant that I think was particularly gender biased. In this commercial, a girl is swimming in the ocean and a shark is seen. The woman begins to panic and the handsome male lifeguard has to jump in and save her after he beats up the shark. I think the commercial was equally biased toward men and women. The women acts completely defenseless and almost kisses her rescuer but later leaves him for a better guy. The man acts very strong and brave. This is very stereotypical and sends messages that women need to be rescued by men and men need to be strong, brave, and handsome. I do not think it should continue to air because it is very stereotypical and the media should not reinforce gender stereotypes. The product probably would benefit from the commercial because men are portrayed as very strong, handsome, and brave which would attract men to the product. A con to this commercial is that it does not portray women in a very positive light and the commercial may not be well-received.


  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsbDzFB3Bv4

    I was watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills on Bravo TV. This show is usually for teenage and adult women. A commercial that caught my eye was the TurboTax commercial. It starred one of the housewives of Beverly Hills, Kyle Richards, and a “real customer of TurboTax”. The two women were at the spa getting facials, mani-pedis, and massages. The commercial featured the customer telling viewers about how she saved money, but then Kyle Richards follows her statements with gender stereotypes: the customer said she likes to save money, Kyle Richards said, “Money you could’ve used for oatmeal and flax seed masks”, the customer said TurboTax helped her find money deductions, Kyle Richards said, “I wonder if a nose job is deductible”, and lastly, the customer said she got a refund that was able to be put towards her down payment of her house, Kyle Richards said, “You can never have too many houses”. TurboTax is normally for every gender, but this commercial seemed that it was only for women. This commercial shows the stereotype that women go to the spa and that all women care about are materialistic things just like what Kyle said regarding nose jobs, facial masks, etc. In my opinion, I do not think this should continue to air because it makes women seem high maintenance. One pro to the network in airing this commercial is that it shows one of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and it makes TurboTax seem like a good company to help with financial issues. On the other hand, a con would be that it portrays women as people who care only about themselves and their needs. It is likely that most women watching this show do not live a lavish life that is portrayed in this commercial. Ultimately, I think the network chose to air this program because it starred a Real Housewife and it helped promote TurboTax.

  9. I was watching that 70's show on ABC family. This channel is usually directed towards teens and young adults. I saw a commercial for Neutrogena. There are two girls in a room and one is on the phone. The girl on the phone eventually hangs up and she leaves oil on the phone from her skin. The two girls are freaked out by this oil left behind on her phone from her oily face. The girl who wasn't on the phone hands the girl who was on the phone a neutrogena bottle and she goes to the bathroom and washes her face with this face wash and her face isn't oily anymore. This depicts how all young girls get acne and oily skin. I have noticed with specifically all Neutrogena commercials, and many acne face wash advertisements, have only teenage girls in them. This shows that Neutrogena believes only teenage females get acne when realistically that isn't the case at all. I think Neutrogena should continue to air their commercials because the concept is meaningful and true, but they should just change the scenes of their commercials by including males in them. One pro to networks airing this commerical is that young people who are expected to watch this channel and television show are going through acne issues because the intended audience are teenagers and young adults so this commercial can be useful to the viewers in terms of acne products and given information about the brand and specific product. One con about the network airing this commercial is that they aired this commercial many times during the span of a half hour television show. Some fortunate teens are not all experiencing acne or oily skin, but they are experiencing issues with, for example, which tooth paste is good for whitening teeth the "quickest". ABC should mix up the commercials and Neutrogena should include males in their face wash commercials. As I have said, this network aired the Neutrogena commercial because this television show is intended for teens and young adults. These type of people typically go through facial issues such as oily skin and acne more so than other age groups.

  10. i was watching that 70's show on ABC family which is usually targeted at teens and young adults, both male and female. i saw an m&m commercial that i felt was gender biased towards females. the commercial was all about a female trying to "lure in" the male m&m to eventually eat it. i saw the biased portrayed when i saw the female in the kitchen cooking and doing everything that she could to please the male, which in this case was the m&m. i think that the commercial shows that a females goal in life is to please a man while the males can coast through life with the females doing everything for them. i think that the commercial should not continue to air because of the societal roles that it portrays. i think a pro of this commercial is that in the end we do see some female empowerment when the females group together and wind up eating the m&m. A con of this commercial would also be how they portray the female as beautiful, she is tall and has flawless skin so it makes beauty seem like an unreachable goal.

  11. I was watching Dallas on TNT, a show for young adults and adults, both genders. I saw a commercial for Breakfast Essentials, a nutritional drink for kids. It showed a mom getting her kids off to school, and giving them this drink. It showed that its up to the mom to take care of the children. The dad wasn't in the commercial, probably at work while the mom was at home. I also noticed that the son had a football in his hand while the girl just had on jewelry. Although the mother seemed very caring, which was nice, the children are still her responsibility. More women than men watch Dallas, and many of them are probably moms, so the network wanted to appeal to them and show that if they are caring moms, they too will get this product for their family.

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuH61zb8edw

    I was watching the TV show Friends, which I would say men and woman, usually teens to adults watch. I saw a commercial for Dawn Plus Hand Renewal dish detergent. This commercial was clearly biased toward women. It showed a woman doing the dishes and the sponge was talking and said “I know what dish washing can do to a woman’s hands”, so this product would apparently make women’s hands softer while they do the dishes. This commercial clearly stereotypes women as being the ones who do the dishes in the house, and do it so frequently that they need a special soap to renew them. This commercial shows that women’s role in American society is still seen as the nurturer and the one who does the dishes and cleans the house. I don’t think commercials should air that are this gender biased toward women. Men are just as capable of washing the dishes as women are, but since this commercial is geared toward women, it does not seem like it. 1 pro to airing this commercial is that many women that do in fact do the dishes often would probably really use this product, however women that see it as being gender biased would probably not want to buy the product just because the commercial was so biased toward women. The network probably chose to air this during my TV program, because many people watch the show Friends, especially many women, so they are guaranteed an audience, who would buy this product.

  13. I was watching American Idol, which is probably a show targeted towards more female teenagers and young adults. I saw a commercial for Planet Fitness that seemed to be gender biased. It was trying to depict that women in the locker rooms at gyms only care about how "hot" their body is. The women are wearing tight shirts and short shorts and telling each other how "hot" they are. It was to show that this is what women do in the locker room and if you want to avoid that experience to go to Planet Fitness- a place that is "not a gym." This commercial sends the message that girls are very shallow. It makes women look like they don't really want to get healthy but rather only aim to look hot. I don't know if this commercial should continue to air because it does negatively portray women; however, it did get its point across. One pro to networks airing this commercial is that many women probably do want to avoid this type of situation so it might be a good idea to workout at a different place. However, one con to networks airing this is that it makes women look really shallow. I think the network chose to air it during American Idol because many people watching this show are women and this type of situation in one that many want to avoid.


  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz_mnSJTg98

    I saw this commercial while watching the Superbowl, which has an audience of all ages and all genders. I'm sure this Go Daddy ad caught everyone's attention. The commercial is supposed to appeal to everyone, since no specific gender needs to create websites more than another. This specific commercial, however, is obviously supposed to appeal to the "nerds" out there who can get the girl. What the ad basically says is that girls are attractive, boys are smart, and without this product there would be no mixing of the two. Personally, this commercial made me feel uncomfortable and not so proud to be a female. I guess a pro of the ad is that it would probably sell the product well to the specific group it targeted, but a con would absolutely be the way it portrays women and separates them from intelligence.

  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjzGaSQX0iU

    I was watching Buckwild when this commercial came on. This commercial is audience is intended for high school teenagers of both male and female. This commercial was for AXE apollo mens deodorant. This commercial portrayed a male firefighter saving a helpless woman from a burning building. This was biased against women because it showed that they need a man to come and save them from their problems. This commercial shows that men are the dominant sex and will be there whenever women need their help. This commercial shows society that women are inferior to women. It should not continue to air because it does not portray realistic events. One pro of this commercial is that is shows how firefighters are there to save people when they are in need of help. One con of this ad was that it makes women seem like they need a man to help solve their problems. The network decided to air it during this television show because high school teenagers are watching it and would find it interesting.

  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDhZCQ2l9nE

    I was watching one of the Real Housewives shows on Bravo when this commercial aired. I feel like the Real Housewives shows are geared toward teenage girls to older women as most shows are on the Bravo network. This commercial started out with Kelly Ripa doing yoga, trying to eat healthy and basically trying to maintain a balanced healthy lifestyle as a busy mom. When the commercial first started I thought it was for something health/fitness related because she says things like its almost impossible to maintain a healthy routine or to eat healthy but you can do it, then she pulls out a tube of Colgate toothpaste and says you can maintain your mouth health with this product. This commercial was clearly targeted for the busy mom and it showed just by the typical activities she was doing in the commercial. This commercial definitely portrays the typical American busy housewife who is trying to balance everything. One pro of this commercial is that it did catch my attention and I think it catches the average American woman's attention who fits that role. A con of this ad is that not all women fit this stereotypical fitness loving house wife role and it almost seems like it is discriminating against women who do not fit that role and even men because they are not even mentioned in the commercial.

  17. http://youtu.be/MuXyhvtnMrE

    I was watching the tv show, Friends, on TBS when I saw this commercial for Swiffer Wet Jet. I think the intended audience for Friends ranges from teen girls to men and women the age of our parents. I see so many different Swiffer Wet Jet commercials and they have one thing in common: gender bias toward women. Gender bias is shown in this commercial through the MOM of the house cleaning the kitchen floor. Because it seems that mom's never have time to do anything for themselves, they include in the commercial how simple and easy it is to clean with this Swiffer and it entices mostly moms to buy it. The main message about gender roles that this commercial sends is that women are the ones who should be cleaning, not men. I think that the commercial should continue to air because mom's are the ones who would buy it, but the company should also consider putting a dad cleaning the floor in some of their commercials so there is no product bias. One pro of this commercial is that it is interesting and it's also funny to mom's, especially the ones who do mop the floors, because they can relate to how time consuming mopping is. One con is that it stereotypes that women are supposed to be the ones who mop the floors. I think TBS chose to air this commercial because mom's are mainly the ones who watch Friends; I know my mom loves to watch friends.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. http://youtu.be/6R0WhGeRDSI

    I was watching NCIS which is intended for an audience of both males and females ages 17 and up, roughly. It was during this time that I saw a commercial for M&Ms candy. In the commercial there are a room full for slender, tall women dressed nicely at a party. One of the women tells the brown M&M that someone there "can't control herself around chocolate and that she would be a bad friends if she didn't say anything". This portrays that to be appealing women must be slender, thin, and on some sort of diet that keeps them away from chocolate. I think that the commercial should stay on the air because a pro is that it has some sort of plot and is appealing to the viewer. While a con is that it didn't include the male public, suggesting that maybe they don't have the same out look on chocolate as women. I think that the network chose to show this commercial during this time because they knew it would reach a large amount of people at home even if someone around the TV was just listening and not really paying attention.

  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1V_rm645S0

    I was watching Glee, the intended audience are teenagers, however their is a big age range of people that watch Glee, but I think that it is a show that more girls watch over boys. I saw a commercial for the new 2013 Ford Escape featuring the new hands free lift gate. Typically men are usually the target audience for new cars, and this commercial shows it. The first shot of the car is a man driving, and he is labeled as one of the engineers for Ford. Later in the commercial the man is one that is carrying the boxes to the car and cannot open the trunk because his hands are full. Then cue the shots of the boys playing soccer, and girls doing ballet, showing that this is a family car and what man wouldn't want a car like this for his family. However I was surprised to see that they did portray women in the commercial, however they were doing domestic things like putting the groceries in the car. I do not think that it should be stopped form airing because I think its good that women were show in a car commercial, because that rarely happens, so i believe this to be a pro to the commercial. But a con would definitely be the fact that in the commercial the women are using the car for groceries, which is an extremely domestic "chore" that women of the house is expected to do. I do not think that this commercial was chosen specifically to air during this show because car commercials are constantly being aired, no matter what you are watching.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I was watching the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills on Bravo. the intended audience is probably for female teenagers to older women, along with the other shows on Bravo. While watching the show, after a couple of commercials there was one that came up multiple times, a bounty select a size commercial. I feel that the commercial was more gender biased towards women. the commercial was of two little boys playing around the house with balls and they knocked a glass of juice down and mommy came to the rescue with the bounty select a size. Now that i think about it all bounty commercials have either the children or a man making a mess and then a woman coming in and cleaning up the mess that was made. The way I interpreted it was that if you, as a child, make a mess then your mom will always be there to clean up after you. yes i do think that commercial should air, I mean people dont really put much thought into stuff like that, its just advertising. 1 pro of the commercial would be that you can be able to clean a mess with less paper towels, and 1 con would be that maybe it shouldnt always involve women cleaning up the mess, maybe in their future commercials should involve more men. They probably chose this commercial to air during this show because a lot of moms like to watch the Real Housewives series and they are the ones that would pay more attention to this commercial.

    (sorry i couldnt find the commercial on youtube)

  23. I was watching Arrow the the CW. It is a new show about the Green Arrow, a superhero. I think it is geared for both genders, but leaning towards girls. The age is probably older teens to young adults. The commercial that I saw that I thought was gender biased was a Turbo Tax commercial . I don't think it was geared for a specific gender. They were showing different jobs and how a paycheck showed more than just money, it was also about how you made it, and how that money was more than just money. I saw the biased when they were talking about jobs. They were portraying construction workers, truck drivers, soldiers and an IT workers as men. When they were talking about teaching and nursing, it was a women. This commercial portrayed the old gender stereotypes about women's work v. men's work. I didn't think it was too offensive, I might not have even picked up on it if I hadn't been paying attention. One pro of this network airing this commercial is that it is geared towards young adults. People paying off student loans and filling taxes for the first time. One con is that it could be offensive to a woman that sees her job opportunities as wider than teaching or nursing. I think they aired it during this program because it focused on the proper age group.

    (sorry I couldn't find it on youtube)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LobAwlmu_-c

    The other day I was watching a show called "Guy Code" on MTV. The audience is late teens to about 30 and its really for guys and girls. While I was watching the show I saw a commercial for Axe body spray. It's a commonly used product for men. This particular spray is called 'Touch' and the man is the center of the commercial while several women are his accessory. The commercial is suggestive and wildly inappropriate. Each woman is revealing herself in some sort of way and I think it speaks volumes about our society today. Too often women are viewed as objects, sex symbols, and toys. And way too often are women allowing this to happen. I don't think it should continue to air because not only is it inappropriate but it sends the wrong message to women. One good thing about this commercial is the presentation of sex. It may not be good for our society but sex sells and the advertisers know that. A bad thing about it is, it shows women objectifying themselves. The network probably aired this commercial at that time because the intended audience is the same, and they'd have more people interested if they aired it at that time rather than Happy Days.

  26. On sunday i was watching the superbowl and the superbowl is famous for having very good commercials. The superbowl is targeted for families but mostly men because men like to watch football. The commercial shows a middle aged guy, most likely late twenties-early thirties, who is sitting at a restaurant admiring a mercedes benz billboard. Then this man comes in and says that he will give him the car and everything that comes with it. Usually when someone says what does your car come with they mean special features and extra items. When the guy got into the car he was swormed by beautiful women, paparazzi, and he was treated like a celebrity. This just shows you how men think they can get women by having nice things and women like men who have nice things. It is not about what material objects you have, its about what is in your heart and what kind of person you are. One pro about this commercial is that mercedes probably is going to see an increase in sales but the con is that it basically says that if you have nice things women will come after you. It was a very smart move but it made women seem like these people that will only like you if you have nice things.

  27. As I was turning on my TV one day, a local commercial for a nursing program came on. The intended audience was obviously female, young women aged mainly around the age of 20-30. I believe the commercial was gender biased because there was not one male in the entire commercial. The message that came across to me was that only females can be nurses in the work field, however I know this is highly false. I feel like this is a common known stereotype. I feel as though our society sees mainly just males as doctors and the females as nurses. I unfortunately could not find the link for this commercial, probably because it was mainly local. One pro could be to empower women to go into the medical work force, however one con is that it does not show men in the nursing work force. I believe that the network chose to air this program to reach out and try to have more people look into the nursing field. I do not think this commercial should continue to air.

  28. I was watching Bones on TNT, a show aimed for men and women 16 and older. I saw a commercial for Pampers diapers. The commercial played the song "I Feel Pretty" in the background and it showed little babies in their cribs, being picked up by their moms. There was one shot that I think was the back of a dad's head, but I'm not sure. I think that this commercial was biased towards women because it showed moms taking care of their babies. This commercial sends the message that moms are the only ones that take care of babies, or that moms are the ones capable of taking care of babies. The only shot of, what I believe is a man, is from the back and you wouldn't even be able to tell he was in it if you weren't looking for it. One pro to airing this commercial is that it shows how well the diapers work over night, but one con is that there are no men in the commercial to demonstrate men taking care of babies. I think that it would be fine to continue airing this commercial, but I think next time Pampers should put more men/dads into their commercials. I think the network aired this commercial because a lot of women watch TNT and it will help to sell the diapers.

    1. Sorry! I forgot to add the video into my comment, but it's right here:

  29. Sorry for the late post! Been sick all week! I was watching Criminal Minds, which is a show aimed towards probably late teens and anything beyond that and both male and females, on A&E when I saw this commercial aired. It is a commercial for M&M's. There are a bunch of model-like women in the room (and you don't seen many men)/ One of the girls tells the chocolate M&M that a woman in the room can't control herself around chocolate. She also says to the M&M that she wouldn't be a good friend if she didn't warn her. I think that the commercial is actually gender biased towards women because they portray the female M&M to be very smart and somewhat sly which are stereo-typically characteristics of a man. And wice-versa, the red M&M is seen as very ignorant for listening to the chocolate M&M. Although this commercial probably somewhat looks down upon men, I think that is important to show some kind of female empowerment when there are so many commercials that are putting women down.

  30. I was watching Teen Mom 2 and I think the intended audience of that show is for girls ages 16-25. The commercial I saw gender biased in was a Swiffer commercial. The commercial has a woman dusting with an old duster that did not work as well as a Swiffer duster. The commercial was biased towards women because there was only one women cleaning her house. I think this commercial sends a message saying that only women clean. No, I do not think it should continue to air, if it does a man should clean for once. One pro for this commercial is that the product they are advertising may actually be a good product, and a con would be that it's implying that if you're a girl you should be dusting. I think the network chose to air this commercial because Teen Mom 2 is usually watched by women, so if more women are seeing this woman clean, they could think they need to be cleaning as well.

  31. I was watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills on Bravo. This show is generally veered towards woman particularly teens to adults; being that the contact can tend to be a little risque. The commercial that caught my eye was one for Empire Carpets. I feel like this commercial was very gender biased towards women. It shows the housewife picking different carpet swatches in her perfect 'cookie-cutter home' while men come in to do the installation. This commercial portrays women in a negative light, it says that all they can do when it comes to bettering their homes in select designs and that they need men to come in and do the dirty work because they are not strong enough to do so themselves. Women now a days have evolved tremendously. They are not just housewives that are bred to only cook and clean and take care of kids. They can do the same jobs as men and they do. Women can be plumbers, cops, electricians, construction workers and carpet installers and they are. I don't think they should continue to air this commercial because it is false advertising and all who are choosing to view television stations that air this commercial should know that we have evolved and aren't only good for cooking and cleaning. This commercial was aired on Bravo Network primarily because generally only women view this channel and it would persuade them to want to better their homes by re-carpeting especially since its portrayed as being very simple (being that it shows the men doing all the work). The only pro i really saw in this commercial was that it advertised the product well in general because it made the whole process seem very easy. A con i noticed was that it portrayed women negatively.

  32. I was watching the show Touch on fox five which targets people in there teens and up. During the break, I saw the snickers commercial came on. I had seen that commercial a million times but it just occurred to me how gender biased it really is. There are many different versions of this commercial, but the one I saw was four men on a road trip and one "turns into a diva" when hes hungry. It portrayed him turning into a woman and complaining. This is a stereotype of women that is portrayed on this commercial in a negative way. When people watch it they probably think that if a man is whining or complaining they are acting like a woman. The network probably chose to air this commercial because they thought it was humorous and people who relate to it, but it really is spreading a bad stereotype of women.

  33. while watching pretty little liars on ABC family I saw a David's Bridal Prom commercial, Pretty little liars' is more aimed at teenage girls. The commercial was primarily dominated by girls in dresses which only 4 boys shown in tux's throughout. Although David's bridal does provide tux's the commercial was more gender bias to girls in their prom dresses. It send's out the message that prom is always more meaningful, when it comes to looks, to girls. I don't like this should be taken off the air but I do feel that they are definitely making a broad assumption about society. A pro of this commercial would be they are definitely getting the intended audience, a con could be that there are boys watching this show who would feel weird having such girly commercials air.

  34. I saw a commercial for the product swifter. It portrays women that are home cleaning all day like they are suppose to. The commercial never has a man cleaning with the swifter because they believe that it is the women's job. This is not acceptable in our time period, women have jobs and do not clean all day, the man could clean and cook, but this commercial and so many others are giving women a stereotype that they should stay home and clean. It is the 21st century we should embrace this new time era.

